Is your company
mplementing the ESG agenda?

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were defined by the UN as global goals to be achieved by 2030.
There are 17 SDGs that call for transformative actions to end poverty, protect the environment and climate, and ensure that people can enjoy peace and prosperity.

The ESG (environmental, social, and governance) Agenda, integrating social, environmental, and governance factors into business, has emerged due to heightened awareness regarding these pillars. The SDGs assist companies in setting goals that blend an ESG strategy with global sustainability standards.
Caring for people and the planet must extend beyond mere conversation; it's crucial to ensure and appreciate actions integrated into organizations' business plans.
In alignment with the primary global movements associated with the ESG agenda and its market impacts, the THE Group has developed a comprehensive portfolio of exclusive products and services to address business needs.

We make the diagnosis and create the plan with methodology for implementation.

We possess the most comprehensive mapping of executives concerning the ESG agenda available in the market. Our methodology evaluates candidates' contribution levels to the agenda, endorsing them with the ESG mindset seal. We sensitize and train executives and teams to embrace a new organizational context and culture.